SCIENTIFIC NAME: Coryphaena hippurus
project 1
    Vernacular names:
    Es/Sp: Dorado Común
    Fr/Fr: Coryphene commune
    In/En: Common dolphinfish

    Local names:
    • Ecuador: Dorado
    • Mexico: Delfín, Doradilla, Doradillo, Dorado
    • Colombia: Delfín, Dorado
    • Perú: Dorado, Perico.
    • Costa Rica: Dorado.
    • Chile: Dorado de alta mar, Palometa
    • Panama: Delfín, Dorado, Pez dorado.

    Tradenames:Mahi-mahi, Dolphinfish, Dorado.

    simile international importance: Cosmopolitan

    fishing season: Todo el año.

    Geographic location: Its distribution ranges from 32° 43'N and 37° 00' S in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

    habitat and biology: Oceanic and coastal pelagic species. It feeds on fish, crustaceans and mollusks. spawns on the high seas. It is not included in the IUCN Red List.

    Size: In artisanal fishing they catch specimens from 42 cm to 180 cm (TL)

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