Scientific Name: Merluccius Gayi
project 1
    Vernacular names:
    Es/Sp: Merluza maltona
    Fr/Fr: Merlu du Chili
    In/En: South Pacific Hake

    Local names:
    • Ecuador: Merluza, Tuza
    • Perú: Huaycuya, Merlango, Merluza, Peje palo, Pescada, Pescadilla.

    Tradenames: Hake, Merluza, Chilean hake.

    Simile of international trade: Merluccius hubbsi, M. Productus, M. Merluccius

    fishing season: All year.

    Geographic location: Its distribution ranges from 00 to 01'S 18 20'S in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

    habitat and biology:Demersal species, which lives in shallow waters of the continental shelf and also in banks up to 500 m deep. In the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador) when there is influence of the cold Humboldt current or "La Niña" event, which can be found in less than 50 m depth, to be captured by the nest of shrimp boats (discarded) . Not included in the IUCN Red List.

    Size: Their average length is 42 cm (TL), although they can be specimens of 79 cm (TL). According to FishBase: Maximum total length is 68 cm (TL) for males and 115 cm (TL) for females and maximum reported age 13 years.

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