SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthocybium solan dri
project 1
    Vernacular names:
    Es/Sp: Peto
    Fr/Fr: Thazard-batard
    In/En: Wahoo

    Local names:
    • Ecuador: Wahoo, Peje sierra, Pez sierra
    • Perú: Wahoo
    • Colombia: Peto, Sierra, Sierra canalera, Wahoo
    • Mexico: Peto
    • Panama: Peto Wahoo, Wahoo

    Tradenames: Wahoo

    simile international importance: Cosmopolitan

    fishing season: Mainly in the second half of the year.

    Geographic location: Its distribution ranges from 32° 43'N and 05° 00' S in the Eastern Pacific Ocean..

    habitat and biology: An epipelagic species, it is found in oceanic waters and in areas close to the distance from the rocky areas of the coast. They feed on small pelagic fish and squid..

    Size: Their average length is 130 cm (OL), although they can be samples of 210 cm (OL). In Ecuador specimens are captured from 9 to 18 (kg) in weight, and sometimes more than 45 (kg).

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