We are a company responsible and committed to sustainability and society,
orients all its work towards the fulfillment of what stipulates its mission, vision and values.
Our Values
The values that guide the action of our company diary are:.
- Ethic
- Passion
- Responsibility
- Transparency
- Commitment
Quality and freshness of our products
In all the products we sell locally and internationally.
Our conservation chambers ensure a competitive and quality product.
We process all varieties of fish and shellfish existing in the Ecuadorian territorial sea and in international waters, maintaining international standards, both in quality and freshness.
Quality Processes
Novapesca S.A. It has storage centers for fishing or the purchase of fresh fish
in several fishing ports on the coast of Ecuador
Reception and Download
All handling of fresh fish is professionally managed to avoid any damage or heat stress
Selection and classification of raw materials
All processing areas are duly supervised and are always kept in the best possible condition.
Packing, storage
The product information stands out (description of pieces, sizes and net weight). Customer information is included on a specific label.
Novapesca is certified by the European Community to export its products to all EEC markets.
Hake, Merluza
Merluccius Gayi
Moonfish, Carita
Selene Peruviana
shrimp Pomada
Protrachypene precipua
Litopenaus Vannamei
Giant squid
Docidicus Gigas
Bullet Tuna, Botellita
Auxis Rochei-Risso
Butterfish, Pampanito
Peprilus Medius
Oil Fish, Escolar
Lepidocymbium flavobrunneum
Mahi-mahi, Dolphinfish, Dorado
Coryphaena hippurs
Yellowfin Tuna
Thunnus Albacares
Swordfish, Pez Espada
Xiphias gladius
Wahoo, Pez Sierra
Acanthocybium solandri
Leaf , Pacific Bumper, Hojita
Chloroscombrus Orqueta
Cornet Fish, Corneta
Fistularia commersoni
Leather Jacket, Chancho
Australoheros Facetus
Ribbonfish, Corbata
Trichiurus Lepturus
Pacific Mackerel/morenillo
Scomber Japonicus
Biosafety Protocol
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all the activities carried out in each of the links in the fishing value chain, that is, in the capture, cultivation, processing, transport and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products, including the provision of the required equipment and supplies.
Contact Us
For suggestions or recommendations you can write to us in the following form,
You can contact us at the following address, mail or telephone.
Nuestra Dirección
NOVAPESCA S.A.PO Box 240103 Santa Elena, Av. Eleodoro Solorzano entre calle 52 y 53 Setor Colinas IndustrialesSANTA ELENA-ECUADOR
Telefono: (+593) 98 189 7819
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